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Body Fluids, Histo/Path

Clinical System Name

Cytology Final Report




Tracheal Aspirates

Pericardial Fluid

Peritoneal Fluid

Pleural Fluid

Synovial Fluid

Cerebrospinal Fluid


Sample Requirements

Specimen:  Body Fluid

Container(s):  Sterile Specimen Container

Preferred Vol:  N/A

Minimum Vol:  N/A

Note:  Deliver to Lab immediately.  If the specimen is bloody and cell counts are requested, send a portion of the specimen in an EDTA/lavender top tube .

Processing Instructions

Reject due to: NA

Spin:  N

Aliquot:  N

Temp: RT

Note:  Give specimen to Core Hematology for processing.  They will cytocentrifuge, stain, coverslip and label the sample, then forward it to Pathology for evaluation.  Call Hematology (206) 987-2561 or Pathology (206) 987-2103 with questions.  If flow cytometry or a cell block is ordered, review with on-call pathologist immediately. Histology techs: see below for processing instructions.

Lab Notes:  To make a cell block from a body fluid, refer to current procedure in Lucidoc.


Off-site collection: For Children's Regional Laboratories (Bellevue and South Clinic), prepare slides and send to Seattle Children's Hospital Laboratory. Refer to the "Cytocentrifuge Preparations of Urine Sediments" procedure.


Specimen Type Temperature Time
Body Fluid Room temp

≤ 1Hr


≤ 1Hr

  Frozen N/A



STAT Performed TAT
N M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 1 day


Performing Laboratory

Seattle Children's Laboratory  


Department:  Histology

Phone Number: (206) 987-2580.


CPT Codes

CPT codes will vary depending on tests performed.  Call Client Services for more information (206) 987-2617.


Method: Varies; typically, microscopic review of wright stained cytocentrifiuge slides

Analytical Volume:  n/a


Microscopic assessment of fluids to count and/or characterize cells and other materials within sample.

