Smears, Histo/Path
Clinical System Name
Cytology Final Report
Conjunctival Smear
Sample Requirements
Specimen: Body fluid/exudate, Urine
Container(s): see note
Preferred Vol: na
Minimum Vol: na
Note: Use a clean dry slide. Using a pencil, label slide with patient name, MRN, and collection date. Smear with exudate and fix specimen immediately in 95% alcohol; alternatively, smear can be air dried. If an Oil Red O is being requested, air dry slide. Deliver immediately to Histology (FB.4.555)
and given to someone's personal charge; identify it as a fresh specimen. Specific handling instructions may be obtained from Histology at (206) 987-2580. Specimen should be labeled with a valid Tissue Pathology Exam sticker.
After 1700, deliver specimens to Histology (FB.4.555) and place in the refrigerator. Notify the pathologist on call.
Processing Instructions
Reject due to: na
Spin: N
Aliquot: N
Temp: RT
Note: Give specimen to Core Hematology for processing. They will stain, coverslip and label the sample, then forward it to Pathology for evaluation.
A completed Pathology request form including hospital number, name, date of birth, date of procedure, pre-op diagnosis, clinical history, ordering physician, and any other pertinent information must be submitted with the specimen.
Off-site collection: For Children's Regional Laboratories (Bellevue and South Clinic), prepare slides and send to Seattle Children's Hospital Laboratory. Refer to the "Cytocentrifuge Preparations of Urine Sediments" procedure. Send labeled smear to Laboratory immediately with completed requisition.
Specimen Type | Temperature | Time |
Smear | Room temp | 24 hours |
Refrigerated | N | |
Frozen | N |
STAT | Performed | TAT |
M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. | 1 day |
Performing Laboratory
Seattle Children's Laboratory
Department: Histology
Phone Number: (206) 987-2580; for results inquiries call (206) 987-2103.
CPT Codes
CPT codes will vary depending on tests performed. Call Client Services for more information (206) 987-2617.
Method: Microscopic review by pathologist of Wright stained smear
Analytical Volume: n/a
Microscopic assessment of smeared material to count and/or characterize cells and other materials within sample. The sample is stained and reviewed by pathologist.
Surgical pathology requisition required.