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Test Code LAB458 Anti Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody (ANCA)

Important Note

ALERT: Order MPO and/or PR3 as the screening test instead of ANCA. Revised 2017 International Consensus recommends testing MPO and/or PR3 as the screening test instead of ANCA.

Other Assays with Similar Test Name

Anti Neutrophil Antibody by Flow Cytometry >4 months old - see separate listing

Anti Neutrophil Antibody by Flow Cytometry <4 months old - see separate listing

Anti Nuclear Antibody (ANA) - see separate listing

Clinical System Name

Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody


ANCA by IF; Perinuclear ANCA (P-ANCA); Cytoplasmic ANCA (C-ANCA)

Sample Requirements

Specimen: Whole Blood

Container(s): Red Top-Plain, Gold, Gold Microtainer

Preferred Vol: 3.0 mL 

Minimum Vol: 1.0 mL 

Note:  Plasma samples not accepted.

Processing Instructions

Reject due to:  

Spin:  Y

Aliquot:  Yes, 0.6 ml serum- transfer to a plastic aliquot tube

Temp:  -20 C 

Storage location: -20 SO UW

Off-site collection:  Spin sample, freeze serum in plastic aliquot container.


Temperature Time
Room temp n/a
Refrigerated 14 d
Frozen Stable long term frozen


STAT Performed TAT
N Drawn daily; performed M - F 1-3 d

Performing Laboratory

University of Washington

UW Immunology Lab

Dept of Laboratory Medicine

1959 NE Pacific St, NW220
Seattle, WA 98195

Phone Number: (206) 520-4600


Department:  Send Outs

Phone Number: (206) 987-2563



CPT Codes



Method:  Indirect immunofluorescence (IFA) using INOVA ethanol fixed and formalin fixed neutrophils to detect autoantibodies.

Analytical Volume:  0.5 mL serum

Limitations: Strong anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) staining may resemble and/or obscure ANCA patterns. Antibodies to cytoskeletal fibers can mimic a C-ANCA pattern.

Reference Range


Send Out Instructions

Reference Test Name: Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody by IF
Reference Test Number: ANCAIF

Send out M - F with the UW courier.