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Anti Factor Xa Activity

Additional Codes

This is not a test. Call Provider or RN to determine which heparin is being monitored. Order either Low Molecular Weight Heparin Activity or Unfractionated Heparin Activity. Please refer to the appropriate test in LabMan. Do not order both tests. THIS IS NOT FACTOR 10.


Anti 10a
Anti Xa
Factor 10a
Factor Xa

Sample Requirements

Specimen: See Note

Container(s): See Note

Preferred Vol: See Note

Minimum Vol: See Note


Note: Call Provider or RN to determine which heparin is being monitored. Order either Low Molecular Weight Heparin Activity or Unfractionated Heparin Activity. Please refer to the appropriate test in LabMan. Do not order both tests. THIS IS NOT FACTOR 10.


STAT Performed TAT