DNA Banking
Clinical System Name
Miscellaneous Genetic Test
Sample Requirements
Specimen: Whole blood, cord blood
Container(s): Lavender/EDTA
Preferred Vol: 10 mL
Minimum Vol: 5 mL
Specimen: Fresh frozen tissue
Container: Sterile cup or tube
Preferred Vol: 1 cm x 3 cm (no larger than a lima bean)
Specimen: Cultured fibroblasts from SCH Cytogenetics Lab*
Container(s): T-25 flasks
Preferred Vol: 2 flasks
*Link to Fibroblast culture and storage - specimen requirements, instructions and CPT codes
Note: Skin punch biopsies are not acceptable for direct DNA extraction for DNA banking as they do not yield sufficient DNA to meet the minimum requirement for storage. Skin biopsies received for DNA banking will be cultured before DNA extraction - there is an additional fee for tissue culture.
Performing Laboratory
For samples banked after 9/1/2020
3800 South Business Park Avenue
Marshfield, WI 54449
Phone Number: (715) 387-0484
For samples banked before 9/1/2020
Seattle Children's Laboratory
For samples banked after 9/1/2020
Department: Send Outs/Genetic
Phone Number: (206) 987-2563
For samples banked before 9/1/2020
Department: Molecular Genetics Laboratory, labdnabank@seattlechildrens.org
Phone: 206-987-3872
Lab Client Services: 206-987-2617, labclientservices@seattlechildrens.org
Lab Genetic Counselor: LabGC@seattlechildrens.org
Reference Range
A report verifying the DNA storage will be sent to the ordering genetics clinic or provider and directly to the patient/guardian.
Previously stored samples in the DNA Bank at Seattle Children's Hospital Laboratory remain in long-term (minimum 10 years) DNA storage for future molecular genetic testing.
Previously stored samples at PreventionGenetics remain in long-term (minimum 10 years) DNA storage at PreventionGenetics for future molecular genetic testing.
DNA banking criteria:
- SCH patients who are in the perimortem period; or
- SCH patients who will have compromised ability to have medically necessary germline molecular genetic blood tests; or
- Patients with SCH Pathology services for autopsy, fetal pathology, or products of conception; or
- DNA banking requests for cells cultured at SCH cytogenetics laboratory, ordered by an SCH provider
Prior to sample collection you must contact the Lab Genetic Counselor Team, labgc@seattlechildrens.org, 206-987-5400. Insurance billing is not accepted for this service; the DNA banking fee must be paid by patient directly to the performing laboratory.
DNA Banking should not be used as a tool to store a specimen during the preauthorization process. For information about short-term DNA storage see Molecular Genetics Lab (MGL) Hold.
Special Instructions
It is the responsibility of the ordering provider or his/her designated clinical representative to review with the patient and/or family any DNA banking consent forms and paperwork.
Clinical Utility
DNA diagnostic studies are available for a number of inherited conditions, providing families with the option of tracking the gene mutation(s) within their family or testing in future pregnancies. Despite these advances there are many genetic conditions for which DNA analysis is not currently available, but may become available in the future.
One unique aspect of DNA analysis is that sometimes DNA samples from affected family members must be compared to those from unaffected members. For some families, death of a family member with a genetic condition makes DNA analysis impossible. The DNA Bank will only store the DNA, not analyze or test it; hence results will not be available until DNA analysis is requested. The sample will not be used for research or commercial purposes unless the donor or legal representative specifically requests release for these purposes.
The use of DNA banking should be discussed with a genetic counselor or geneticist. They can help decide if and when DNA banking should be considered. DNA storage does not imply that a test is currently available or that a family member has decided to undergo a test. Families should maintain close contact with their referring Genetics Clinic to keep updated regarding new developments in DNA testing.