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Test Code LAB2582 Stool Helminth Worm Exam

Important Note

This orderable is only available to providers through appropriate PowerPlans.

This test is an exam for Stool Helminths only.  This test does not include an examination for protozoa.  If an examination for protozoa is required, order the Stool Giardia+Crypto EIA, Rapid Stool Infectious Diarrhea PCR Panel, or the Extended Stool Parasite Exam (UWMC).  If there are any questions, please call the Microbiology Department at ext. 7-2585.


Clinical System Name

Stool Helminth Worm Exam


Stool Exam for Ova and Worms

Stool Ova and Parasite

Stool Fluke Exam

Stool Parasite Exam

Stool Roundworm Exam

Stool Tapeworm Exam







Schistosoma haematobium



Sample Requirements


Liquid or unformed stool (or worm) collected in a clean leak-proof container. Consecutive stool specimens should be at least 72 hours apart. It is recommended to wait for result from the first OP Worm exam before sending subsequent samples.


Stool may be collected in “Alpha TEC PROTO-FIX” or “Para-Pak EcoFix” if transport will be delayed >24 hours. Fixed stool is only appropriate for this test (Stool Helminth Worm Parasite) and will not be accepted for other stool testing (such as stool culture).


Urine for S. haematobium should be collected midday (noon to 3 pm) for peak shedding of eggs. Submit at least 10 ml of urine.


Macroscopic worms should be kept moist with a few drops of saline.

Container: Clean leak-proof container


Preferred Volume: 1 gram or ml (stool)


Minimal Volume: 0.5 gram or ml (stool)


Unacceptable specimens:

  • Rectal swabs
  • Stool samples less than 1 mL.
  • Stool absorbed in diaper
  • Frozen/thawed samples.
  • Whitish stool containing barium (7-10 days).

Processing Instructions

CPA:  Send stool to Microbiology ASAP. If sample is shared and only one tube, syringe, or other container is received, affix shared sample label and send entire sample plus requisition to Microbiology. Please call Microbiology with sample related questions.


Off-Site Locations:  This testing is only performed at SCH Microbiology. For satellite locations, sample should be refrigerated prior to and during transport to the SCH Micro lab.


Specimen Temp Time
Fresh Stool, Worm or Urine Room Temperature 2 hours
  Refrigerated ≤24 hours
Preservative: PROTO-FIX or EcoFix Room Temperature 1 Week



Procedure Performed Turn Around Time (TAT)
Stool Helminth Worm Exam 24/7 72 hours


Performing Laboratory

Seattle Children's Laboratory



CPT Codes




Microscopic exam (Direct Wet Mount, Formalin Concentrate Wet Mount)

Macroscopic exam (Direct Exam)


Diagnostic and follow-up testing for Helminths which are not included in Rapid Stool PCR testing (Rapid Stool Infectious Diarrhea PCR Pnl or Rapid Stool GI IBD Bloody Diarrhea PCR) - for rarely encountered Round worms, Tapeworms and Flukes. 


A direct wet mount and a formalin concentration wet mount is performed for Helminth ova from stool.

Wet Mount is performed for Shistosoma haematobium from urine. 


Samples are examined directly (macroscopically) for presence and identification of helminths.


Please see Arthropod Exam for direct examination of ticks, scabies, and other arthropods.